Special for you...para guru...
Bila anda para guru memainkan game ini bersama murid-murid anda, maka aktifitas kelas akan terasa ramai sekali. Anak-anak belajar tapi rasanya bermain karena dunia anak-anak adalah dunia bermain.
Type: Active Game
Target: Any vocabulary
Materials: None
Procedure: Make up actions for different vocabulary words. If your theme is
sports then make up actions for “play soccer” “go swimming” “play baseball”
etc or if your theme is animals make up actions for “act like a dog” “act like a
bunny” “walk like a turtle” etc. Actions can be made for almost any theme. The
students stand in a line. The teacher calls out a command like “Teacher says act
like a bunny.” All the students follow the command. If the command is not
preceded with ‘Teacher says’ the students should not perform the command.
Any students who perform the command when ‘Teacher says’ was not said, is
out. The last student standing is the winner.
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