Game "Binggo"

Game ini sangat familiar dikalangan anak-anak,atau anak-anak sering menyebutnya petak umpet.
Instrument : handcerchief or everything that can close their eyes
Target : learning about direction
That’s the way to make your students speak whit no fear... Sekarang kita akan bermain lagi,,dalam kenyataan permainan ini sering dimainkan oleh anak-anak. You can practice it with your students to learn english. Okey..I Devide the students to three groups or more. Silahkan berhitung one two two three..yang kebagian nomer satu silahkan berdiri di belakang kursi sebelah kiri saya. Yg nomor 2 slahkan berdiri di belakang kursi sbelah tengah dan yg no 3 silhkn berdiri di belakang kursi seblh kanan saya.
I have closser eyes, annd One of you akan di tutp matanya untuk mengambil benda yang sudah saya sediakan. I will put it when u was closs your eyes and yor member will give you direction to find it. Okey..

To play :
2. Devide the students to three groups or more
3. We need 1 volunteer from each group to come forward
4. Her member give her the instruction with a direction
5. Who that the first finder, she is a winner

Example about direction:
- turn left
- turn right
- come back
- come forward. Etc....

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