Ada lagi nich..buat para guru B.Inggris yang kepengen meramaikan suasana kelas. Gunakan game ini untuk membantu anak-anak menghafal beberapa vocabulary. dijamin dech..kelas ggak jadi ngebosenin.

Type: Active Game
Target: Any vocabulary or conversation
Materials: Pictures printed on paper
Procedure: Divide students into 2 teams and make a line which the teams
cannot cross. Give each student a piece of paper with a picture on it. They
crumple up the paper into a snowball and throw them at each other. When you
say stop, students must freeze. Count the snowballs on each side and the team
which has the most snowballs on their side loses. After the snowball count,
students must pick up the paper closest to you, open it and say what it is. Pass
out the pictures again and start over.


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